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TNPSC Combined Civil Services Examination – IV (Group IV Services) New Syllabus 2025|Bharathi IAS Academy|TNPSC Academy in Trichy

TNPSC Combined Civil Services Examination – IV (Group IV Services)
[Single Paper in SSLC Standard consisting of General Studies (75 Questions), Aptitude and Mental Ability (25 Questions) and Tamil Eligibility-cum-Scoring Test (100 Questions)] Part A: General Studies (SSLC Standard – 75 Questions) Unit I: General Science (5 Questions) Nature of Universe - Measurement of physical quantities - General scientific laws in motion - force, pressure, and energy - Everyday application of the basic principles of mechanics, electricity, magnetism, light, sound, heat, and nuclear physics in our daily life; Elements and compounds, acids, bases, salts, petroleum products, fertilizers, pesticides, metallurgy, and food adulterants; main concepts of life science, classification of living organisms, evolution, genetics, physiology, nutrition, health and hygiene, human diseases; Environmental science; Latest inventions in science and technology; Current affairs. Unit II: Geography (5 Questions) Earth location - Physical features - Monsoon, rainfall, weather, and climate - Water resources - Rivers - Soil, Minerals, and Natural resources - Forest and Wildlife - Agriculture pattern; Transport - Communication; Population density and distribution in Tamil Nadu and India; Calamities - Disaster management - Environment - Climate change; Geographical landmarks; Current affairs. Unit III: History, Culture of India, and Indian National Movement (10 Questions) Indus Valley Civilization - Guptas, Delhi Sultans, Mughals, and Marathas – South Indian History; National Renaissance - Early uprising against British Rule - Indian National Congress - Emergence of Leaders - B.R.Ambedkar, Bhagat Singh, Bharathiar, V.O.Chidambaranar, Thanthai Periyar, Jawaharlal Nehru, Rabindranath Tagore, Kamarajar, Mahatma Gandhi, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Rajaji, Subhash Chandra Bose, Muthulaksmi Ammaiyar, Muvalur Ramamirtham, and other National Leaders; Different modes of agitation of Tamil Nadu and movements; Characteristics of Indian Culture, Unity in Diversity - Race, Language, Custom; India as a secular state. Unit IV: Indian Polity (15 Questions) Constitution of India - Preamble to the Constitution – Salient features of the Constitution - Union, State, and Union Territory; Citizenship, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy; Union Executive, Union Legislature – State Executive, State Legislature - Local Governments, Panchayat Raj; Spirit of federalism: Centre - State relationships; Election - Judiciary in India - Rule of Law; Corruption in public life - Anti-Corruption measures - Lokpal and Lokayukta – Right to Information - Empowerment of Women - Consumer Protection Forums - Human Rights Charter; Political parties and political system in Tamil Nadu and India; Current affairs. Unit V: Indian Economy and Development Administration in Tamil Nadu (20 Questions) Nature of Indian economy - Five-year plan models - an assessment - Planning Commission and Niti Aayog; Sources of revenue - Reserve Bank of India - Finance Commission - Resource sharing between Union and State Governments - Goods and Services Tax; Economic trends - Employment generation, Land reforms and Agriculture - Application of Science and Technology in Agriculture; Industrial growth - Rural Welfare oriented programmes - Social problems – Population, Education, Health, Employment, Poverty; Social Justice and Social Harmony as the cornerstones of socio- economic development; Education and Health systems in Tamil Nadu; Geography of Tamil Nadu and its impact on economic growth; Welfare schemes of Government; Current socio-economic issues; Current affairs. Unit VI: History, Culture, Heritage, and Socio-Political Movements of Tamil Nadu (20 Questions) History of Tamil Society, related archaeological discoveries - Tamil Literature from Sangam age till contemporary times; Thirukkural - Significance as a Secular Literature - Relevance to everyday life - Impact of Thirukkural on Humanity - Thirukkural and Universal Values – Relevance to Socio- politico-economic affairs - Philosophical content in Thirukkural; Role of Tamil Nadu in freedom struggle - Early agitations against British Rule - Role of women in freedom struggle; Various Social reformers, Social reform movements and Social transformation of Tamil Nadu. Part B: Aptitude and Mental Ability (SSLC Standard – 25 Questions) Unit I: Aptitude (15 Questions) Simplification - Percentage - Highest Common Factor (HCF) - Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) - Ratio and Proportion - Simple interest - Compound interest - Area - Volume - Time and Work. Unit II: Reasoning (10 Questions) Logical reasoning - Puzzles - Dice - Visual reasoning - Alpha numeric reasoning - Number series. Bharathi IAS Academy|TNPSC Academy in Trichy|IAS Academy in Trichy Group-IV Services Single Paper (SSLC Std)(Objective Type) Part A: General Studies (SSLC Standard – 75 Questions) Part B: Aptitude and Mental Ability (SSLC Standard – 25 Questions)(SSLC Std) Part A + B:(100 Questions / 150 marks) Part-C:Tamil Eligibility-cum-Scoring Test (SSLC Std) (100 Questions / 150 marks Part A + B + C:(200 Questions / 300 Marks / 3 Hours)

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